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Wat betekent GRINTA?

Grinta is een term uit de sportwereld die staat voor:
“De volle overtuiging
en gedrevenheid van een team om samen succesvol te zijn”.

Het is de ultieme vorm van samenwerken in een wereld vol uitdagingen.
Grinta vormt de basis en ruggengraat van onze begeleiding.

Grinta = samenwerken
Samenwerken kunnen we onderverdelen in twee woorden: samen en werken.
De ‘samen’ gaat over de dynamiek tussen de groep en het individu.

De dynamiek van ‘samen’ bestaat uit 3 aspecten:
1. Wellbeing: Mensen hebben energie nodig.
2. Connection: Het is belangrijk dat mensen ook energie krijgen van elkaar.
3. Candor: Het is belangrijk dat we durven en kunnen zeggen wat er in ons omgaat, met respect voor de andere twee aspecten.

De dynamiek van ‘werken’ bestaat ook uit 3 aspecten:
1. Target: Het is belangrijk dat mensen weten waarom we doen wat we doen en wat er precies moet gebeuren.
2. Expertise: Mensen moeten de nodige skills hebben om te doen wat er van hen verwacht wordt.
3. Agility: Als groep moeten we allemaal bereid zijn om ons aan te passen wanneer dat nodig is.

Grinta-leiderschap is resultaatgericht leiderschap. Het richt zich enerzijds op het waarborgen van de kwaliteit van verschillende aspecten.
En anderzijds het beheren van de contacten met de omgeving of context waarin het team werkt.
In een wereld vol complexe uitdagingen hebben we elkaar meer dan ooit nodig.
Onze missie is om meer grinta te creëren door middel van coaching, training en advies.
Bekijk ons aanbod en ontdek hoe we dat doen.
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“Everything is context.”

If you want GRINTA, environment is all about managing everything that has an outside influence on the team.
In other words, what we as a team can sometimes influence and sometimes not but which has a strong impact on us as a team.

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Attention to leadership.

How do I address what is really needed within my team and my organization?

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Attention to coaching ability.

How do I encourage continuous learning and develop myself and the people on my team?

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Attention to the directive.

How do I monitor mission, strategy and ambition and contribute to greater direction, stability and focus?

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Attention to agile capability.

How do I create more willingness within my team to do things differently? Not always in function of themselves, but sometimes “best for project” or out of service to others.

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Attention to communication skills.

How do I create the safety and ability within my team for people to say what they have to say with care for the relationship?

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Attention to your ability to connect.

How do I get us to really work together among ourselves?

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Attention to equity.

How do I ensure that myself and my people have enough energy?

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Working on Environment


“Everything is context.”

If you want GRINTA, environment is all about managing everything that has an outside influence on the team.
In other words, what we as a team can sometimes influence and sometimes not but which has a strong impact on us as a team.

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Working on Result Orientation


Attention to leadership.

How do I address what is really needed within my team and my organization?

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Working on Expertise


Attention to coaching ability.

How do I encourage continuous learning and develop myself and the people on my team?

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working on Goal Setting


Attention to the directive.

How do I monitor mission, strategy and ambition and contribute to greater direction, stability and focus?

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working on Agility


Attention to agile capability.

How do I create more willingness within my team to do things differently? Not always in function of themselves, but sometimes “best for project” or out of service to others.

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working on Candor


Attention to communication skills.

How do I create the safety and ability within my team for people to say what they have to say with care for the relationship?

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working on Connectedness


Attention to your ability to connect.

How do I get us to really work together among ourselves?

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Working on Wellbeing


Attention to equity.

How do I ensure that myself and my people have enough energy?

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